Eight great secret team of mobile imaging

12:02 AM

The mobile device today most are equipped with cameras and high-resolution, sometimes even higher than the dedicated imaging product. Howeve...

The mobile device today most are equipped with cameras and high-resolution, sometimes even higher than the dedicated imaging product. However, the use of this camera so that the effect is not simple, because despite what this is just a supporting feature for cricket. However, you can try the following suggestions to be able to take the best photos for yourselves!

Adjust light


Camera phones are likely to encounter many problems to light. Although at low light levels can help create some special effects, you should still have the appropriate adjustment for conventional imaging. The easiest way is to capture, try capture and observe every corner of the image brightness, which was chosen the best location.

In addition to the computer to manual adjustment mode for flexible use flash function. Did you know that if you use flash on the day the sun will get very sharp images with no little ball? Or, when the portrait, flash off and use natural light will give more effective?

Take time


You should spend a little time to find out when my phone's camera is used. Is the "theme" of the camera when you press the button or you drop a hand? Or the time from when you press the button until the picture is taken is how much? Once you grasp this, you will capture the exact moment you want to record, instead of what happened two seconds later.

Limit vibration


One of the biggest annoyances is photographed shaking hands, making the image blurry and of course the results were not as expected. To overcome this, hold your phone steady as possible, such as spleen at the table, wall or even while the box next to it.

Moreover, when bent down and spleen to a knee or holding their hands when shooting close also makes the machine is fixed a lot better.

Take the right size


Sadly, but to get the best image quality, you should never use digital zoom, because this simply enlarge existing pixels and makes the image less sharp. Therefore, if there is no optical zoom, you just shoot as normal then resized by the editing software later the better.

Note layout


Well acquainted with the principles of layout will be very much helpful for improving the quality of the photos you take, although sometimes this means that the parts you want most will not be fully . Accordingly, the center, the symmetry or the details on the sidelines should be considered before a full picture and you will see that the efficiency of how big.

Take photos on the move


Your subject stand out most in mobility, so why do not you try shooting on the move baby? Move the machine at speeds similar objects that will make you produce blurry photos amazing. However, to achieve high performance you need to take time to practice a little, but well worth right?

Photographing Black and White


In some situations, black and white photography makes things become very interesting, especially when you take such town. To proceed, you can move the machine mode "Black and White" if there is, or is using the editing software supports other after shooting.

Try different angles


Let's spice up your photos with different angles. You can shoot from below, above, behind, beside or inside out. Do not fear anything, because the memory capacity of today's devices are quite big and you can shoot more pictures to pick out the best. Although it will not make you less time consuming, but all right, because all art!

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