Joomla Plugin To Integrate reCAPTCHA Into Joomla

8:40 PM

The simplest but most powerful Joomla captcha solution. JEZ reCAPTCHA Integrator is a Joomla reCAPTCHA integration as a system plugin for Jo...

The simplest but most powerful Joomla captcha solution.
JEZ reCAPTCHA Integrator is a Joomla reCAPTCHA integration as a system plugin for Joomla! 1.5. This integrator is developed to help protect web form in your Joomla website from spam bots using free captcha verification service provided by reCAPTCHA.


JEZ reCAPTCHA Integrator is released under GNU General Public License.


After installing you need to enable JEZ reCAPTCHA Integrator in Joomla's Plugin Manager page to make it working properly.
There are 2 ways to embed captcha verification into your web form with JEZ reCAPTCHA Integrator: using inclusion syntax and using triggerEvent Joomla function.

Using inclusion syntax

This is the simplest way to inject captcha verification to any page which has web form needs to be protected from spam bots. To be able to use this method, you must edit the plugin and enable Inclusion Syntax parameter first.
Then embedding captcha verification is as easy as inserting the following text into an article, a custom HTML module, or the view template of a module or component which has web form need to be protected:

Using triggerEvent Joomla function

If you want captcha verification only if certain condition met then injecting captcha verification using Joomla's triggerEvent API function is the best way to follow.
In the view template or PHP file which renders HTML output of a component or module, simply insert the following PHP code to where you need captcha verification:
global $mainframe;


Click this link for a sample use of JEZ reCAPTCHA Integrator.


Discussion Forum

This is the place where you can report bugs, suggest new features, share experience, help others and request support from others as well.


Click this link to download JEZ reCAPTCHA Integrator.

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