Share To Download Buttons Facebook Like And Twitter

10:00 AM

Many freebies such as Ebooks, Themes, Templates and Icons although free have a stipulation attached.More and more these days we see a Like...

Facebook like and Twitter followMany freebies such as Ebooks, Themes, Templates and Icons although free have a stipulation attached.More and more these days we see a Like, Tweet or comment to download.So instead of seeing a download button there will be a Tweet or Like button and once pressed the download appears.This is a way for the creator of the freebie to get some exposure for their content.When i published the Free Set Of 3D Social Iconslast week I have to admit I considered using one of these.In the end I decided not to but I have nothing against others using them (I remember a year back giving advice to a designer to never use this but times change).

Anyway when I looked into how I could do it I came across some easy to use resources.In fact it is incredibly easy to create the following :

  • Facebook Like To Download
  • Twitter Follow To Download
  • Twitter Tweet To Download
  • FeedBurner Subscribe To Download
  • Pinterest Pin It To Download

Live Demo

This is an example of how the like To Download button works (the others have the same principle), when you click like the download button is revealed.I just have the download linking back to the our home page.

It took me a minute to figure what to do if you already like the page.If you already like the page involved place your cursor over the like button and an x will appear, click the x to unlike then like again to get the download button.I presume the same goes for Twitter, Pinterest etc..This is not great but it's the best that can be done.

Share To Download Generator

The code for all these are provided by Inbound Now and they have an easy to use form.You simply add your Page URL, Feed URL or the Post URL along with the link to the download.They also require your mail they grab the code and your ready to go.

Add The Share To Download To Your Blog

Well its quiet simple, copy the code and paste it were you want the button in your post.You can of course add it to a Text Widget on WordPress or Html/Javascript gadget on Blogger to have it in your sidebar

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