Followers gadget disappeared because of Prototype?

10:12 AM

As you know, Scriptaculous library support is useful when creating spectacular effects in web design. During the application process Scripta...

As you know, Scriptaculous library support is useful when creating spectacular effects in web design. During the application process Scriptaculous on Blogger, I found an unexpected incident utility Followers (Followers) "suddenly disappear" when put on blogspot Scriptaculous library. What a shame. This is because there is incompatibility between the utility script Followers in Scriptaculous with Prototype library. solution is to add a small script to take into Blogger Prototype library. We normally put the following code before the 
</ head> in the template.

<script src=''/>
< script>
google.load(&quot;prototype&quot;, &quot;;);
google.load(&quot;scriptaculous&quot;, &quot;1.8.3&quot;);
< /script>

To overcome the problem does not show the utility Followers, need to use code like this.

<script src=''/>
< script>
google.load(&quot;prototype&quot;, &quot;;);
window.JSON = {
parse: function (st) { return st.evalJSON(); },
stringify: function(obj) { return Object.toJSON(obj); }
google.load(&quot;scriptaculous&quot;, &quot;1.8.3&quot;);
< /script>

The marked red is added to handle the incompatibility between Prototype and script in the Followers gadget.

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