Think about the article and copyright protected by Copyscape article

2:47 AM

After all most of us are not aware of intellectual property rights that we are using.   Who among you dare to make sure you're using Win...

After all most of us are not aware of intellectual property rights that we are using. Who among you dare to make sure you're using Windows operating systems licensed? Yes, but not significant numbers. Who would spend over hundred dollars to buy the right (amount of work a month, sometimes several months), while only 7,000 dong you already have an installation CD-Rom for as many machines as you like! That said we do not know to respect the value creation of others, the law is not strong enough to deter and to the extent that we can not do otherwise.

Instructions on this blog more or less with reference to the foreign blog. So I was just a Vietnamese translator translation nonetheless. Knowledge that you, me and we learn are from overseas. It is human knowledge, each person has the right to use and develop to a new level. When you write on the blog with the purpose of sharing, I did not ask for anything more widely known and would not require them to know where it is spread, who introduced it was. Take a consent to accept the ones they did. 

Protect posts by Copyscape 

In case of necessity must warn, I would recommend a site search function provides copies of articles from your website or blog. It is Copyscape . 

Just type the address into the search box 10 results will be listed. Want to be found much more to design register and pay! 

Also you can use banner warning when clicking on the address line below the search box. 

If the computer has installed PhotoShop, you can modify the language, size and color by downloading the file information. psd . 

Actually, this tool is only effective warning can not control the copy, when users appreciate the labor of the writer when it is no longer copied headache problem. 

Your thoughts on how this problem? Press comments and share some slightly! 

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