Earn Extra AdSense Revenue And Build Links To Your Blog

4:09 AM

In this post i will share with you a way i have not only been building links to my blogs but i have been earning AdSense revenue in the proc...

In this post i will share with you a way i have not only been building links to my blogs but i have been earning AdSense revenue in the process.When you read the posts in the S.E.O. or Blog Promotion category on Spice Up Your Blog one of the things you will see repeated time and again is the importance of Backlinks.But its not just our posts that repeat the importance of backlinks, no matter were you look for help in promoting your blog and moving your posts onto the first page in search engines the theme stays the same.

For search engines like Google a link to your blog is seen like a recommendation.When Google find a link to your blog on another website or blog they take this as that website or blog recommending your blog.This helps in many ways including helping to boost your blogs Page Rank, a higher page rank will result in Google placing more importance in your content thus placing your posts higher in search results.

You can keep track of the number of links there are to your blog by signing up to Google Webmaster Tools.Your job is to build as many links to not only your blogs homepage but also individual posts on your blog.If your blog is relatively new you should work extra hard, but even the most established blogs still work at building backlinks.There are many ways to start building links to your blog, remember if you provide quality content people will want to link to you and share your content.Bookmarks and Bookmarking websites are one of the most popular ways to get backlinks, sites like Digg, Reddit and others let you and your readers bookmark your posts thus creating a backlink.

Getting Paid To Bookmark

One of the ways i have been Bookmarking Posts from my blogs and building links is by using a site called Xomba.On Xomba you can create a Xomblurb which is the same as a Bookmark.You can create a Xomblurb for your posts and other content from the web in a similar way to Digg, but the sweet part is Xomba display AdSense on their site and give you half the earnings from clicks earned on your pages !
xomba review

How To Start Bookmarking And Earning

Your first step is to set up a free account, simply Click Here To Go To Xomba in a new window.Follow the steps to open your account and submit your AdSense publisher ID.Once you have published your latest blog post you simply log into your Xomba account and choose the option to create a Xomblurb.You are required to add a short Title and Description as on other Bookmark sites, add the link to your post and publish.That's it you have created a Backlink to your blog, if someone lands on that page on Xomba and clicks an add you will get half the AdSense earnings...Easy...

Bookmarking The Bookmark

You may find the Bookmark you created on Xomba actually ranks higher in search results than the actual post on your blog.This is not a bad thing as it will bring extra visitors to your blog and of course you are earning from the ads on Xomba.So why not also promote your Xomblurb ? You can Bookmark the Xomblurb on other sites like Digg, Twitter and Facebook etc..

I have been creating a Xomblurb for all the posts on my Blogs as well as other interesting content i find.The result is 100's of links to my content and an increase in my AdSense earnings.


One of the other options Xomba offers is a AdSense revenue share on full articles.While a Xomblurb is a short Bookmark a Xombite is a full article you can write on any subject.Many Bloggers feel restricted by their blogs and writing on only one subject, Xomba can be a great place to write on a range of subjects and make some money.Once you sign up your can check out how it all works.

Xomba Sign Up Page Here

InfoRemember you can get all these tips sent directly to your email and stay a step ahead.Its a quick and easy service Provided for Free by Google.Just fill in the Email form below the post or Click here for other Rss Options. If you need extra help on this or any tutorial just leave a comment, I love comments and feedback so this Blog is Do-Follow - when you comment here it helps Your Blogs Google rank !

There are other similar websites popping up and im currently checking out two revenue share bookmarking sites.If these sites turn out to be Genuine you will be the first to know

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