Blogspot Templates Bluesense Overview

12:22 AM

Summary: Quick look at the BlueSense Blogspot template and how you can customise it to make a perfect  AdSense blog I've been looking fa...

Summary: Quick look at the BlueSense Blogspot template and how you can customise it to make aperfect AdSense blog

I've been looking far and wide for Blogspot templates and designs that make earning an online income much easier to achieve. I came across a template yesterday and thought I would share it with you guys. It's called BlueSense and a picture of it can be found below and a demo of it can be found here

This is a high quality Blogspot AdSense theme that was originally created for WordPress blogs, but was later converted to the Blogspot platform by Free Blogger Templates. The BlueSense template colours are perfectly blended with AdSense units on both the homepage and single post pages for maximum click through rates. With this Blogspot theme, you can make even AdSense ads look amazing! It's a simplistic template with three columns in total; also with a left and right sidebar. If you are using AdSense, or considering using AdSense with your information blog, I would say this is one of the best Blogspot templates for the job.

If you are interested in the AdSense ads settings I used, I've posted them below. In my opinion, these settings prevent the blog from looking tacky and too adverty which would put many people off visiting (or returning to) your Blogspot blog.

Blogspot templates settings: Colour codes for all Adsense ads (except link units)

google_color_border = F0F6FB
google_color_bg = F0F6FBgoogle_color_link = 064B8Cgoogle_color_text = 064B8Cgoogle_color_url = 064B8C 

Blogspot templates settings: Colour codes for link units

google_color_border = 064B8C
google_color_bg = 064B8C
google_color_link = ffffff
google_color_text = ffffff
google_color_url = ffffff

Why not try this Blogspot theme and see how you do... 

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