How to Make Money Online Without Spending a Dime

3:07 AM

How to make money online without spending a dime is a question that so many people would want to know the answer to. That is why I decided t...

How to make money online without spending a dime is a question that so many people would want to know the answer to. That is why I decided to write a post about what I think is a good way to make free money online.
In my opinion, the best way to make money online without spending is to offer some kind of service. It could be any kind of service, from skilled required tasks like creating logos, designing websites and writing articles to simple tasks like submitting articles to article directories, commenting on blogs and posting on forums. Offering your service to others gives you an opportunity to make money online without spending any money at all. Here is how you can make money online without spending money:

Choose a service to offer

These days you don’t have to be a professional website builder or an artist to make money offering a service. Thanks to the ever increasing popularity of the internet, a lot of people work online these days and they all have tasks that need to be done. Most of the time those tasks are very simple to execute but very time consuming. So, they pay other people to do these simple tasks for them, and hat allows them to focus on other important aspects of their online business.
For example, in order to generate traffic for a blog, a blogger has to work on many different things like search engine optimization. One of the ways to do that is to build back-links for their blogs, Building back-links can be done in many ways including commenting on other blogs and submitting articles to article directoires, both of which are very time consuming. So, bloggers often pay other people to submit their articles to article directories and comment on other blogs on behalf of them. So, when it comes to finding a simple task and offering it as a service, you are not limited.
If you need some ideas on services you can offer to make money, check out classified sections of online forums. There you can find out what kind of services people are willing to pay for and what kind of services people like you are making money with. Often times, you would be surprised by the simplicity of so many of these tasks that people pay others to do it for them.
Get a Website
In order to establish yourself and your business and have a place where people can learn more about your services and higher you, you need to have an online presence, a website or a blog. Of course, since we are trying to make money online without spending a dime, we can’t spend money on getting a website. Fortunately, you don’t have to spend any money on buying a domain name and hosting package. There are plenty of free websites and blogs you can use to build your site. Free sites like blogger and weebly allow you to build a blog or website with a few clicks of a button for free.
Use these free sites to build a simple site for your business. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Just a simple one page site to serve as your sales page, where you showcase your work and offer more detailed information about your services and how what you offer can help your would be customers and of course the cost of your services.
Promote your service
Your website is new and doesn’t get much traffic, how would people who need your service find you?… The best places to get the word out about your service, are online forums, especially online forums related to the kind of service you offer. For example, if you offer blog commenting and article submission, internet marketing and webmaster related forums such as WarriorForum and DigitalPoint are great forums to offer your free samples to bloggers and website owners. You can also use forums to simply get more costumers by placing an ad on their classified section, which is free and tons of people visit each day to find people who can help them get things done.
Another effective way to promote your service is through article submissions. Write a few articles related to the kind of service you offer and submit them to article directories. Don’t forget to include a link back to your website in the article, so people can easily come to your website and place orders.
Other ways you can promote your services is through social networking sites. Use your profile on FaceBook Twitter and other social networking sites to let other s know about your services. Social networking sites are the quickest way to get the word out about your business.
You can also write a press release and submit to free press release sites. Simply write a few sentence about your service and how people can benefit from using your service and submit to as many free press release sites as you can. To make your PR newsworthy, you could give a discount code or coupon for first time customers.
Give free samples of your work
To build a reputation and get your business started, offer a few free samples of your service. If you offer article writing, write a free article for them. It will let them know about your capabilities and the quality of your work. To get the most out of these free samples, offer your free samples in return for a testimonial from the customer. You can then use those testimonials on your site to let people know hat other who have used your service before think of it. Testimonial is advertising your business in a very effective way.

Take advantage of free softwares

Search and find free tools that will help with the quality of your work and also help you get the job done faster. For example, if you are offering a logo design service, you can use free softwares like gimp and PhotoFilter to create stunning logos. There are so many free tools out there that can really make it much easier, better and faster for you to finish your tasks.

Get a free paypal account

How would you get paid?… Well, these days the fastest way to get paid is through paypal and most people use paypal to pay and get paid online. To make it quick and easy for your customers to pay you, get a free account on The good thing is, paypal has a very user friendly system that lets you place a “pay with paypal” button on your website, where you can accept payments from customers quickly.
There are so many different ways to make money online. Some of these methods require financial investment and others take a long time to give you results, but offering services is one of the few online money making methods that don’t require any financial investments and you can make money and get paid quickly. In a nutshell, offering a service is how you can make money online without spending a dime.

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