Become a Vibrant Media Affiliate and Make Up to $3,000

3:04 AM

Vibrant Media has been known to be the leader of contextual and in-text advertising. Although I won’t go into full detail about Vibrant Medi...

Vibrant Media has been known to be the leader of contextual and in-text advertising. Although I won’t go into full detail about Vibrant Media, reason being that I believe most readers have probably heard of this company already, I will however write about a way to make up to $3,000 with Vibrant Media. I am being serious here and this isn’t a joke. The task I am speaking of is no easy task, however, is a task that many may worth considering doing for people with good interaction skills, who are salesmen, and/or are people with connections, and so forth. In addition, this task doesn’t necessarily require you to have a website either. If you think you still qualify and is a job that may well suit you, continue reading on.
The job I am speaking of is being an active recruiter for Vibrant Media. The idea of how this works is that the more active the site you refer is, the more you are compensated. Be wary that rewards for referrals with Vibrant Media is a one time reward. Although this fact may be discouraging, the reward alone can be well worth the effort, especially if you are experienced with this type of job. And if you happen to catch a big one, you are literally set for at least a month depending on where you live.
Referral Awards
Site Traffic (page views per month)*Referral Award**
250K – 500K$100
500K – 1M$500
1M – 5M$1,000
5M – 10M$2,000
10M +$3,000
Although the requirements to make a $3,000 reward is pretty high, realize that you have the entire world wide web right at your picking. It doesn’t matter how the websites got that many visitors, realize that your mission is only to pick webmasters with high amounts of visitors that are currently not associated with Vibrant Media. Essentially, it is similar to a hunting game and in order to reap the rewards, you must find webmasters eligible and willing to try out Vibrant Media – which may involve writing emails to interested content based webmasters, contacting them by phone and sometimes getting hung up on, and… you get the idea. This type of marketing is similar to door-to-door marketing, however, the rewards are much higher and are generally done over the phone or over the web
Terms and Conditions
Like with all affiliate programs, there are certain restrictions and regulations that you must follow in order to receive rewards for your efforts.
  1. The referred site must be live with Vibrant Ads for a continuous period of 45 days following sign up.
  2. The referred site must generate a minimum of 500,000 page impressions of traffic per month.
  3. Referred sites must be “new” to Vibrant Media. Sites we will not consider to be new are sites which:
    1. We have already opened dialogue with.
    2. We are already aware of from other sources.
    3. Is a sub-site of an existing partner site.
How to I Join?
To join the program and get your Referral Awards simply send an email with Vibrant Ads Referral as the subject line to one of their representations by contacting them on their contact page.
Please include the following information:
  1. The name of the site(s) you wish to refer
  2. The contact details of the person we should get in touch with
  3. Your site(s) name
  4. Your contact details
If you are a great persuader and have at least some prior knowledge on the marketing field, I’d strongly suggest you to try this method if you have time. Who knows, it may be the opportunity you have been waiting for to earn that extra hundred or grand. Not to mention, creates better relations with such a prominent network like Vibrant Media. Vibrant Media is one of the only affiliate programs out there that I am aware of, that has a huge reward at stake

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